Desire the Real

Ever tried to love with your whole heart?

I guess we just try to live our lives as long as we are still here, before it stops. People we see around ourselves are not happy with mediocrity. They are all struggling to move, to go, to change, to develop… we are all headed somewhere but where is that somewhere is a bit foggy to us.

We do struggle in life for better or for worse, some struggle more, some less, all feel some amount of pain as they grow, as they bleed, as they heal, as they get wounds over wounds over wounds. It can be physical, spiritual, emotional – it can be anything you want it to be. Make it; this life is your play-dough.

How far are you willing to go for what you want?

Don’t you want to stop somewhere, just rest and breathe and take a few strides to clear your head or sit down under a  tree and enjoy the weather while it lasts? Or perhaps be scared. Of the future of what that rain might bring to you – storm, acid, death?

Why don’t you just try to be who you are for a change?

How about you accept yourself the way you are; your voice, and height, and color… is all okay. Diversity is okay, trust me, we love it. Maybe you don’t have the perfect teeth, like me, but that’s okay.

Your smile is more than beauty, it is more than an object of aesthetics. It is a tool to make others smile, to put others at ease, to make a disheartened soul hopeful, to make a person turn away from suicide perhaps your crooked smile is enough.

How about you do try to change the things about yourself that matter?

Change change change. Be better, be nicer, be cleaner; mentally, physically and spiritually. Be humble, be kind, be generous, be selfless, be loving.

Fall in love one more time. But this time, make it the right One and do it for the right reason. Just. Let. it. go. And fall. Know that He will catch you. Know that He will make you or make something out of you or if nothing else then He will take care of you in the next life. Fall hard, fall face down, just fall and fall and fall in love again and again, harder and deeper, plunge into the ocean of infinity, it has no boundary, no it will never be enough, you will always find yourself thirsty for more and more and more.

Your pride and ego. Walk all over them, and then see a new world grow inside of you. This is the reality, and the rest of the world is just a lie so turn away from it and RUN as fast as you can before the day of reckoning comes and it’s too late to make amends with the One whom you had forgotten to love.

So fall and run and break yourself. Stop talking, listen to what your heart is telling you. It wants something else, not this car or this house or that job or that degree. It wants something else. It wants Someone else.

Shhh… let that NAME illuminate your heart and take you away.


  1. Humera Munir says:

    MashALLAH.. adoreable way to conduct 🙂

  2. Sana says:

    MashAllah, awesome way to describe It sister. JazakAllah 😀

  3. Binte Hadi says:

    =) Subhan Allah.

  4. eymen says:

    speechless =’)

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